Fallout 4 power armor hud fix
Fallout 4 power armor hud fix

This is something I put together to fix an issue that was driving me crazy and decided to release since I know I'm not the only one having this issue. If you run into any issues with this, let me know and I'll try to sort it out, but no promises. Simple disclaimer: I'm rusty with modding since it's been over a decade since my last attempt at modding Bethesda's stuff, so doing much more than this will be a bit out of my scope. This mod removes the dashboard, tinted screen, and rain effects from the power armor HUD that did not scale to fit UWS monitors.

fallout 4 power armor hud fix

So if you want a simple mod for a minimalist PA HUD or have an UWS monitor and the ini fix didn't work for you as well. The upshot is it should work for most screen resolutions, ultrawide or not. Just a simple mesh edit to remove the tinted screen, the rain effects, and dashboard since I'm not talented enough to figure out how to alter their size to fit. Normal walking around is fine, but both ADS and. All of the previous mods to resolve this issue are no longer working that I could find, so I put this together. The HUD for power armor doesn't stretch across the screen, neither does ADS. Just a mod I put together for fixing the Power Armor Hud on Ultrawide resolutions.

fallout 4 power armor hud fix

If you're not on an ultra wide screen and just want the minimal PA hud and still want the rain effects grab the optional file instead of the main file.** **Update: I've now figured out how to remove the rain effect from the screen as well.

Fallout 4 power armor hud fix